Leveraging Cardano DeFi 7-Part Strategy Series
If you have some crypto or plan to, you can use decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions to passively grow your portfolio.
Defi lets you use your own assets for lending and borrowing, to earn rewards that can pay everyday expenses and even fund goals like diversifying crypto holdings or paying off debt.
DeFi sounds unfamiliar and intimidating, but it’s very natural and you can do it. You may need to see it once and hear some examples of strategy in action. This series builds on itself and guides a crypto holder through the steps to harvest a cryptocurrency vault, stake and borrow against crypto assets, take out a crypto loan, and diversify a crypto portfolio with Cardano Native Tokens.
Yes, you’ll have to invest 10-15 minutes of your time to watch each of the videos in the series. In exchange, you’ll be rich with the knowledge that builds financial independence.
What do you have to lose? How about stress, indecision, confusion, or procrastination?
I guarantee you will be inspired about what you can do with DeFi starting right now.
Course Details
1 h 53 m 12 s
7 Lessons